More Info and How to Register:
The Chamber is thrilled to announce the return of Caledonia's Edinburgh Cup.
Back to its original date of the last Friday in May, we'll see you on the course Friday May 31.
1 PM Shotgun Start
(registration starts at noon)
Each Golfer Receives:
18 Holes Golf
3 Golf Balls
Cart Rental
Hot Dog or Sausage on the Turn
Steak Dinner
$40 Gift Certificate to Grand River Home Hardware
$25 Wally Parr Gift Card
Putting Contest: proceeds will benefit the CFSGE (Child and Family Services of Grand Erie) who provide child welfare services in Brantford, Brant, New Credit, Haldimand and Norfolk. All children, youth and families are valued.
Birdie Hole Challenge
Longest Drive - Sponsored by Libro Credit Union
$10,000 Hole-in-One Challenge
NEW FOR 2024: The winning team receives an exclusive round of golf at the prestigious RedTail Golf Course, one of the TOP 100 GOLF COURSES, known for its exclusivity, where they count Sean Connery and formerly Queen Elizabeth II as visitors, courtesy of McMahon Mortgages.
Additional Prizes include:
10k Hole-in-One Opportunity (Sponsor pending)
Longest Drive (Sponsor Pending)
Free appraisal and legal fees waived on your next mortgage transaction.
Forge FC Prize pack which includes: 4 Pitchside Patio Tickets and more
Gold Level Tiger Cat Tickets
Original Dave Erauw Prints
First Aid Kit and Classes from St. John's Ambulance
Sponsor and Branding opportunities are NOW OPEN!
Thank you to our Sponsors
Grand River Dinner Cruises
Grand River Home Hardware
Wally Parr Sausages
McMahon Mortgages
Forge FC
Hamilton TigerCats
Suzanne Athanasiou
Dave Erauw
Libro Credit Union
St. John's Ambulance